Compound Flash Loans

    This dashboard attempts to answer the question: Find the transactions (loans) where a borrow event and repayment event occur simultaneously. How often are these loans taken out compared to standard loans? How do the dollar amounts of these loans compare to the dollar amount of standard loans? We make the assumption that a flash loan is where a Compound loan event and repayment event occur during the same block with the same borrower.


    Flash loans typically occupy a small percentage of the total loans written on a day, however there are days where this percentage can be significant:


    Looking at the total value of flash loans, they are still a relatively small portion of the total loans issued on a day. The size of the average flash loan can, however, be much larger than a typical loan on the Compound network:


    Flash loans are only a small fraction of the overall loan count on the Compound network, with only a handful or two occurring daily. They appear to be on the rise however, with a shift from 1% to 2% of all loans being flash loans witnessed recently.