Peg variance

    How stable are the stablecoins on Terra? Calculate how far from peg the stablecoins have performed in the past 6 months.


    Less Stable Coins - JPT, SGT and AUT

    The charts for these coins (JPT - Japanese Yen, SGT - Singapore Dollar, AUT - Australian Dollar) are considerably more volatile than the first charts shown. There are fewer oracle updates, and the price variance is much higher. This may be due to reduced on-chain liquidity for these assets relative to more popular currencies like UST.

    Stable Coins - UST, KWT and EUT

    In the two graphs below we see relative stability for the UST (based on US Dollar), the KWT (based on Korean Won) and the EUT (based on the Euro). The last month in particular shows a good match between the spot price and the peg. UST and KWT experienced a significant disruption at the end of January 2021, where the peg was briefly lost. EUT had a similar event in May 2021.

    Terra Stablecoins

    The Terra has a number of native stablecoins, pegged to external currency prices by on-chain oracle updates. When prices drift from the peg, arbitrage opportunities open up for users to capture the difference between the peg and the swap price as profit.

    The following graphs compare the average swap price for the day (between the stablecoin and LUNA) with the on-chain orachle peg price.
