Terra Explorer Hunt
Exploring the Terra Ecosystem with Flipside Crypto
Liquidity Provision
The Explorer Hunt also called for provision of liquidity to a pool. I made the mistake of using Terraswap.io first up, which doesn't have a farm feature. Reading the task instructions thoroughly, is a good idea before you start. The Hunt called for funding the LP pool, then staking the resulting pair token in Mirror. The 2nd LP event in the table below is the LP deposit in the Mirror MIR-UST pool.
I performed a number of swaps on Terra using the Terraswap.io app. First I grabbed some UST for transaction fees (and then a bit more later when I didn't have enough) and also swapped LUNA for MIR to deposit in the MIR-UST liquidity pool. The transactions are shown below:
Explorer Hunt Transactions
Following the instructions at the Flipside Terra Explorer Hunt page, I worked my way through bridging in from Ethereum, swaps, bonding, depositing, borrowing, liquidity provision and yield farming. The graph below shows the transactions performed by my terra account on this journey. There were a couple of wrong turns made, but with the low transaction fees and slick UX of the Terra ecosystem these were easily undone and put right.