shadilDistribution of Thorchain users that swapped in USD
    Updated 2022-09-04
    select case when total_volume >= 1 and total_volume < 10 then 'Less 10 USD'
    when total_volume >= 10 and total_volume < 50 then '$10 - $50'
    when total_volume >= 50 and total_volume < 100 then '$50 - $100'
    when total_volume >= 100 and total_volume < 500 then '$100 - $500'
    when total_volume >= 500 and total_volume < 1000 then '$500 - $1k'
    when total_volume >= 1000 and total_volume < 3000 then '$1k - $3k'
    when total_volume >= 3000 and total_volume < 5000 then '$3k - $5k'
    when total_volume >= 5000 and total_volume < 10000 then '$5k - $10k'
    when total_volume >= 10000 and total_volume < 15000 then '$10k - $15k'
    when total_volume >= 15000 and total_volume < 20000 then '$15k - $20k'
    when total_volume >= 20000 then 'More 20k' end as category,
    count(distinct wallet_address) as total_wallets
    from (select sum(from_amount_usd) as total_volume,
    from_address as wallet_address
    from flipside_prod_db.thorchain.swaps
    group by wallet_address)
    where category is not null
    group by category
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