shadilTrend of Pools - top pools by removed liquidity
    Updated 2022-05-15
    SELECT from_address_name as name, sum(amount_usd) as liq_removed, COUNT(DISTINCT origin_address) as users_count
    FROM flipside_prod_db.ethereum.udm_events
    WHERE from_label = 'sushiswap'
    AND from_label_subtype = 'pool'
    AND origin_function_name IN ('removeLiquidityETH', 'removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens', 'removeLiquidityWithPermit',
    'removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens', 'removeLiquidity', 'removeLiquidityETHWithPermit')
    AND amount_usd IS NOT NULL
    -- and tx_id = '0xa9c0cce236109752a36d0a6975fff4acede1d06204b5215af305c496d2e21edd' -- sample remove liquidity
    and date(block_timestamp) >= CURRENT_DATE - 90
    and from_address_name ilike '%-%'
    GROUP BY name
    order by liq_removed DESC
    limit 10
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