shadilAlgorand Foundation New CEO Staci Warden
    Updated 2022-03-07
    with cexs as (
    select address from algorand.labels
    where label_type='cex'
    from_cexs as(
    select sum(amount), 'ALGOs being moved from CEXs to wallets' as type
    from algorand.payment_transaction
    where sender in (select address from cexs)
    and amount != 0
    and amount is not NULL
    and block_timestamp::date >= '2022-02-10'
    and block_timestamp::date <= '2022-02-17'
    to_cexs as(
    select sum(amount), 'ALGOs being moved from wallets back to CEXs' as type
    from algorand.payment_transaction
    where receiver in (select address from cexs)
    and amount != 0
    and amount is not NULL
    and block_timestamp::date >= '2022-02-10'
    and block_timestamp::date <= '2022-02-17'
    select * from from_cexs
    UNION all
    SELECT * from to_cexs
    Run a query to Download Data