shadilhourly price tmp
    Updated 2022-05-18
    -- SELECT *
    -- from algorand.prices_swap
    -- where date(block_hour) = CURRENT_DATE - 1
    -- and asset_id = 0
    -- with assets as (
    -- select swap_to_asset_id as asset_id, count(DISTINCT swapper) as swappers_count, COUNT(DISTINCT tx_group_id) as swaps_count
    -- from algorand.swaps
    -- where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-02-01'
    -- and swap_from_amount > 0
    -- -- and (swap_from_asset_id = 0 or swap_to_asset_id = 0)
    -- group by swap_to_asset_id
    -- order by swappers_count DESC
    -- limit 10
    -- ),
    with assets as (
    SELECT asset_id, asset_name, sum(volume_usd_in_hour) as vol_usd, avg(volatility_measure) as avg_volatility, sum(swaps_in_hour) as vol_swaps
    from algorand.prices_swap
    where date(block_hour) >= CURRENT_DATE - 30
    -- and asset_id != 287867876 -- Opulous
    GROUP by asset_id, asset_name HAVING vol_usd > 0
    order by vol_usd DESC
    limit 10
    changes as (
    -- extract('hour', block_hour) as date,
    price_usd as asset_price,

    lag(asset_price) ignore nulls over(partition by asset_name ORDER BY block_hour ASC) as asset_price_prev,
    ((asset_price - asset_price_prev)/asset_price)*100 as percent_asset_price
    -- ((max(price_usd)-min(price_usd))/min(price_usd))*100 as daily_percent_range_luna,
    -- STDDEV(price_usd) as asset_price_stddev
    FROM algorand.prices_swap
    -- where date(block_hour) >= CURRENT_DATE - 200
    Run a query to Download Data