shadilGard.Money Algorand’s First Algorithmic Stablecoin - fees accumulation over time
    Updated 2022-04-18
    with fee_data as (
    date(ac.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date,
    sum(pt.amount) as fee
    from algorand.transactions ac, algorand.transactions mi
    join algorand.payment_transaction pt on mi.tx_group_id = pt.tx_group_id and pt.receiver = 'MTMJ5ADRK3CFG3HGUI7FS4Y55WGCUO5CRUMVNBZ7FW5IIG6T3IU2VJHUMM'
    where ac.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date >= '2022-03-31'
    and ac.tx_group_id = mi.tx_group_id
    and mi.tx_type_name = 'asset transfer'
    and mi.asset_id = '684649988' -- GARD
    and TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(ac.tx_message:txn:apaa[0]::STRING) = 'NewPosition'
    and ac.tx_message:txn:apid::string = '684650147'
    GROUP BY date

    sum(fee) over (order by date asc) as "Cumulative fee Amount"
    from fee_data
    Run a query to Download Data