shadilMagic Eden Whales - most buying by top wallets (number of purchases)
    Updated 2022-04-10
    WITH buys as (
    purchaser::string as wallet,
    FROM solana.fact_nft_sales
    WHERE date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-03-01'
    and(program_id = 'M2mx93ekt1fmXSVkTrUL9xVFHkmME8HTUi5Cyc5aF7K'
    or program_id = 'MEisE1HzehtrDpAAT8PnLHjpSSkRYakotTuJRPjTpo8')
    sells as (
    instruction:accounts[1]::string as wallet
    from solana.fact_events
    where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-03-01'
    AND (instruction:programId = 'MEisE1HzehtrDpAAT8PnLHjpSSkRYakotTuJRPjTpo8' or instruction:programId = 'M2mx93ekt1fmXSVkTrUL9xVFHkmME8HTUi5Cyc5aF7K')
    and array_size(inner_instruction:instructions) > 4
    top_wallets as (
    SELECT wallet, count(tx_id) as total_sale
    SELECT wallet,tx_id from buys
    -- UNION
    -- SELECT wallet,tx_id from sells
    GROUP by wallet having total_sale > 0
    ORDER BY total_sale desc
    LIMIT 20
    most_buys as (
    SELECT mint, COUNT(DISTINCT tx_id) as counter
    from solana.fact_nft_sales
    where purchaser::string in (SELECT wallet from top_wallets)
    and date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-03-01'
    GROUP by mint
    Run a query to Download Data