shadilAverage supply rate in recent month
    Updated 2022-08-11
    select * from (select avg(supply_rate) * 100 as supply_rate,
    reserve_name as token,
    block_hour::date as date_time
    from flipside_prod_db.aave.market_stats
    where aave_version = 'Aave V2'
    and token like 'WBTC'
    or token like 'WETH'
    or token like 'USDT'
    or token like 'LINK'
    or token like 'USDC'
    or token like 'DAI'
    or token like 'TUSD'
    or token like 'FRAX'
    group by date_time, token)
    where date_time >= current_date - 30
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