shadilCorrelation between USDC borrow rates and total wBTC supplied
    Updated 2022-08-10
    select table1.supply_amount, table2.borrow_rate, table2.date_time
    from (select avg(total_liquidity_token) as supply_amount,
    date_trunc('WEEK', block_hour) as date_time
    from flipside_prod_db.aave.market_stats ms
    where date_time >= '2021-01-01'
    and ms.reserve_name like 'WBTC'
    and ms.aave_version ilike '%AAVE V2%'
    group by date_time) as table1 join (select 100 * avg(borrow_rate_stable) as borrow_rate,
    reserve_name as token,
    date_trunc('WEEK', block_hour) as date_time
    from flipside_prod_db.aave.market_stats
    where date_time >= '2021-01-01'
    and aave_version ilike '%AAVE V2%'
    and token like 'USDC'
    group by date_time, token) as table2
    on table1.date_time = table2.date_time
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