shadilWithdraw to my wallet or to my Bentobox?
    Updated 2022-04-27
    with med_risks as (
    SELECT address from ethereum.contracts
    where name = 'KashiPairMediumRiskV1'
    all_withdraws as (
    COUNT(DISTINCT e1.tx_id) as counter_total
    from ethereum.udm_events e1
    join ethereum.udm_events e2
    on e1.block_timestamp = e2.block_timestamp
    and e1.tx_id = e2.tx_id
    and lower(e2.contract_address) in (SELECT lower(address) from med_risks) -- '0x2cba6ab6574646badc84f0544d05059e57a5dc42'
    e1.block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - 90
    and e1.event_name = 'LogWithdraw'
    to_wallet as (
    COUNT(DISTINCT e1.tx_id) as counter_to_wallet
    from ethereum.udm_events e1
    join ethereum.udm_events e2
    on e1.block_timestamp = e2.block_timestamp
    and e1.tx_id = e2.tx_id
    and e2.event_name = 'LogRemoveAsset'
    and lower(e2.contract_address) in (SELECT lower(address) from med_risks) -- sample '0x2cba6ab6574646badc84f0544d05059e57a5dc42'
    join ethereum.udm_events e3
    on e1.block_timestamp = e3.block_timestamp
    and e1.tx_id = e3.tx_id
    and e3.from_address = '0xf5bce5077908a1b7370b9ae04adc565ebd643966'
    and e3.to_address = e3.origin_address
    e1.block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - 90
    and e1.event_name = 'LogWithdraw'
    -- and e1.tx_id = '0x3ccab6033d4f44feaaa08f9109720a121f0c686a8ca9552b6b1627700e20eb74' sample trx

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