shadilTop 10 wallet addresses with the highest profits
    Updated 2022-08-29
    select top 10 table2.wallet_address,
    round(sum(total_s-total_b), 0) as profit_total
    from (select seller_address as wallet_address,
    sum(price_usd) as total_s
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales ens join ethereum.core.dim_labels
    on ens.nft_address = address
    where ens.project_name ilike 'CRYPTOPUNKS%'
    and ens.event_type in ('redeem', 'sale')
    and ens.price_usd >= 0
    group by wallet_address) as table1 join (select buyer_address as wallet_address,
    sum(price_usd) as total_b
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales join ethereum.core.dim_labels
    on nft_address = address
    where project_name ilike 'CRYPTOPUNKS%'
    and event_type in ('redeem', 'sale')
    and price_usd >= 0
    group by wallet_address) as table2
    on table1.wallet_address = table2.wallet_address
    group by table2.wallet_address
    order by profit_total desc
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