    Updated 2022-06-16
    with block as (select block_id from flipside_prod_db.algorand.block where block_timestamp between '2022-05-01' and '2022-05-31'),
    balances as (select address,balance from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account where created_at in (select block_id from block))
    select count(address),case when balance > 1 and balance <= 10 then '1-10'
    when balance > 10 and balance <= 100 then '10-100'
    when balance > 100 and balance <= 1000 then '100-1000'
    when balance > 1000 then 'more than 1000'
    when balance <= 1 then 'under 1' end as amount
    from balances group by amount
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