shahdadi-9ptm8Ydistribution of algo
    Updated 2022-06-19
    with id as(select asset_id
    from algorand.asset
    where asset_name like 'Warrior Croc%'
    ),a as(
    select distinct address
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account_asset where asset_id in (select asset_id from id) and ASSET_CLOSED='FALSE'
    ),b as(
    select address,balance
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account where address in (select address from a)
    select count(address),case when balance<= 100 then 'under 100'
    when balance > 100 and balance <= 1000 then '100-1000'
    when balance > 1000 and balance <= 10000 then '1000-10000'
    when balance > 10000 then 'over 10000' end as amount
    from b
    group by amount

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