shahdadi-9ptm8YJanuary balance of top holder and current balance
    Updated 2022-06-22
    with a as(select user_address,balance as January_balance
    from flipside_prod_db.ethereum.erc20_balances
    where contract_address=lower('0x2e9d63788249371f1DFC918a52f8d799F4a38C94') and BALANCE_DATE ='2022-01-31'
    order by balance desc limit 10
    ),b as(
    select user_address ,balance as curent_balance
    from flipside_prod_db.ethereum.erc20_balances
    where contract_address=lower('0x2e9d63788249371f1DFC918a52f8d799F4a38C94') and BALANCE_DATE=CURRENT_DATE and user_address in (select user_address from a)
    select a.user_address,January_balance,curent_balance,case when (curent_balance - January_balance) > 0 then 'purchased more'
    when (curent_balance - January_balance) = 0 then 'hold' when (curent_balance - January_balance) < 0 then 'sold' end as situation
    from a join b on a.user_address=b.user_address

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