shreexUSDC cexs vs normal address
    Updated 2022-10-08
    'CEXs' as addresss,
    sum(amount) as outflow
    from solana.core.fact_transfers left join solana.core.dim_labels on address=tx_from
    where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '2 months' and mint= 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v' and label_type = 'cex'
    ORDER BY outflow DESC
    LIMIT 10)
    'Standart_addresses' as addresss,
    sum(amount) as outflow
    from solana.core.fact_transfers
    where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '2 months' and mint= 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v' and tx_from not in (
    select address
    from solana.core.dim_labels where label_type ='cex'
    ORDER BY outflow DESC
    LIMIT 10