sinahosseinzadehUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-08-02
    with labels as (
    select *
    from solana.core.dim_labels
    where label = 'solend'
    solend_transactions as (
    select INNER_INSTRUCTION:instructions[0]:parsed:info:authority as account,* from
    where block_timestamp:: date > '2022-07-01'
    and program_id in (select address from labels)
    and succeeded = TRUE
    balances as (
    select block_timestamp, signers[0] as wallet, tx_id, post_balances[0] / pow(10,9) as balance
    from solana.core.fact_transactions
    --LEFT JOIN table(flatten(input => pre_balances)) pre
    -- LEFT JOIN table(flatten(input => post_balances)) post
    where block_timestamp:: date > '2022-07-01'
    and tx_id in (select tx_id from solend_transactions)
    wallets as (
    select wallet, avg(balance) as avg_balance, count(distinct(tx_id)) as tx
    from balances
    group by 1
    when avg_balance > 100000 then '>100000'
    when avg_balance > 10000 then '>10000'
    when avg_balance > 10000 then '>10000'
    when avg_balance > 1000 then '>1000'
    when avg_balance > 100 then '>100'
    when avg_balance > 10 then '>10'
    when avg_balance > 1 then '>1'
    else '<=1'
    END as balances,
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