Track how the Flow blockchains daily active users have evolved over time. What about monthly? All-time wallets? Recently, we’ve identified some interesting spikes (in both directions) in daily active users. Chart this activity, and try to uncover any reasonable explanations for the results

    Welcome to the Flow blockchain analytics dashboard! Get ready to explore the evolution of daily active users, monthly active users, and all-time wallets on the Flow blockchain. With our interactive charts and filters, you can dive deep into the data and uncover insights about the Flow blockchain's activities. Watch as the charts come to life, displaying the fluctuations in activity over time, including the recent interesting spikes in both directions of daily active users. But this dashboard is more than just data. It's a journey of discovery, a chance to unravel the mysteries behind the fluctuations in activity. Could it be a new DApp or NFT collection launch that caused the spike? Or perhaps it's a technical issue that caused the drop in daily active users. Together, we will investigate the data and uncover the truth behind the Flow blockchain's activity patterns. So buckle up, and let's get started on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery