It's all about swapping goBTC and goETH

    Probably you know that algoMint minted goETH and goBTC which are two wrapped forms of ETH and BTC. And also in the Algorand ecosystem, we have three popular protocols that we use to swap (buying and selling) tokens. Now we want to know every detail about swapping goETH and goBTC in these protocols.


    and it's time to find out all things about goBTC

    it's time to find out all things about goETH

    Step one for analysis: At first glance, you might think that you are facing a complicated and difficult dashboard. I must point out that this is not what you think, at all. I have tried to help you get the information you need to understand this analysis by separating the data.


    To understand the charts in the first part, let's look again at the question we were asked: Track the volume and number of wallets that are buying and selling goETH and goBTC on DEXs. Are more users acquiring goETH and goBTC or are they selling it? How does each DEX compare? Here we are asked to provide detailed information about buying and selling that made separately for different DEXs.

    in the second part, we want to know about wallets swapping goBTC and goETH. is it for just ALGO? If not, what other ASAs are wallets swapping goETH and goBTC for? for the answer, we should take look at the below charts. note that we select just six of Algorand assets and you can add more if you the 8th line where we put the number 6(limit 6), you can put your number.


    And it's the last part that we want to show you how the market crashing affected the behavior of users. it's especially on 11 May. but if we look at the volume and number of sells and buys' we can understand it is a two-way street and it's not just selling or buying.


    so this is the end. it wasn't complicated, right? in these charts we separated all data for goBTC and goETH for you. In these days when the market is not in a good mood, I hope you take care of yourself and be happy.