staderCommunity Farming
    Updated 2022-07-07
    with claim as (
    msg_value:execute_msg:claim:stage as stage,
    round(sum(msg_value:execute_msg:claim:amount::float/pow(10,8)),2) as SD_claimed
    from terra.msgs
    msg_value:contract::string in ('terra127679wwl2glzc4cv7zu6rsp7062xuw5dnlt993')
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    and msg_value:execute_msg:claim is not null
    and stage in (4,5,12,6,11,10,2,3,8,14)
    group by 1

    vesting as (
    when stage = 4 then 'Liquid token cf month 1'
    when stage = 5 then 'Liquid token cf month 2'
    when stage = 12 then 'Liquid token cf month 3'
    when stage = 6 then 'Liquid token extended month 1'
    when stage = 11 then 'Liquid token extended month 2'
    when stage = 10 then 'Liquid token incentive month 1'
    when stage = 2 then 'Stake pools cf month 1'
    when stage = 3 then 'Stake pools cf month 2'
    when stage = 8 then 'Stake pools cf month 3'
    when stage = 14 then 'Stake pools cf month 4'
    end) as Vesting,
    when stage = 9 then 1353.44
    when stage = 7 then 272362.22
    when stage = 13 then 271542.36
    when stage = 4 then 175996.51
    when stage = 5 then 153029.33
    when stage = 12 then 138863.52
    when stage = 6 then 58793.70
    Run a query to Download Data