AB2 Gallery Wallets

    Q78. Let’s look at wallets that buy from AB2 Gallery! How many wallets are buying NFTs on AB2 gallery. What is the total number of unique wallets that have purchased from AB2? Create a distribution plot of how many NFTs each wallet has purchased from AB2. Are we seeing new wallets purchasing on AB2 or is it only wallets that have purchased from AB2 before? Chart the first purchase on AB2 by wallet over time. Create a table of the top 10 wallets that are purchasing from AB2 by ALGOs and number of NFTs Tips: Check out this analysis for some inspiration on how to write your queries: https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/dashboard/15-ab-2-gallery-nf-ts-77b-ew https://ab2.gallery/ Here is an asset transfer example of an asset being purchased from AB2 Gallery tx_group_id = 'wWE2i1LDwQBpKv+RGPNGcNvKm7VrmskGUyV4snkFS1w=' -To look at transfer transactions in involving AB2 Gallery use: where try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) = 'ab2.gallery' NFT Statistics and Explorer: https://www.nftexplorer.app/stats