og_txns as (
select purchaser
from solana.fact_nft_sales s
join solana.dim_nft_metadata m on s.mint = m.mint and m.contract_name = 'Lightning OG'
where block_timestamp >= '2022-02-05'
deposit_txns as (
select inner_instruction:instructions[3]:parsed:info:owner as wallet
from solana.events e
where block_timestamp >='2022-02-05'
and inner_instruction:instructions[3]:parsed:info:mint = '4Hnh1UCC6HLzx9NaGKnTVHR2bANcRrhydumdHCnrT3i2'
and inner_instruction:instructions[3]:parsed:info:owner in (select distinct purchaser from og_txns)
(select count(distinct purchaser) from og_txns) as n_og,
(select count(distinct wallet) from deposit_txns) as n_volt,
100* n_volt/n_og as volt_pct