strawbettyAssets users swap from and swap to
    Updated 2022-06-09
    WITH MAY_swaps as (
    select block_timestamp::date as date, tx_group_id, swapper, swap_from_asset_id, swap_from_amount, swap_to_asset_id, swap_to_amount
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.swaps
    where block_timestamp::date between '2022-05-11' and '2022-05-12'
    ), prices as (
    select block_hour::date as date, asset_id, asset_name, avg(price_usd) as price
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.prices_swap
    where date between '2022-05-11' and '2022-05-12'
    and (asset_id IN (select swap_from_asset_id from may_swaps) OR asset_id IN (select swap_to_asset_id from may_swaps))
    group by 1,2,3
    ), May_swaps_usd as (
    select, tx_group_id, swapper,
    swap_from_asset_id, p1.asset_name as swap_from_name,
    swap_to_asset_id, p2.asset_name as swap_to_name,
    swap_from_amount, swap_from_amount * p1.price as from_price_usd,
    swap_to_amount, swap_to_amount * p2.price as to_price_usd
    from MAY_swaps m
    left join prices p1 on ( = and m.swap_from_asset_id = p1.asset_id)
    left join prices p2 on ( = and m.swap_to_asset_id = p2.asset_id)
    where Abs(from_price_usd-to_price_usd) < 100 -- to remove wrong and wired swaps

    , swap_from as (
    'FROM' as label,
    swap_from_name as name,
    count(distinct tx_group_id) as tx_count,
    count(distinct swapper) as swappers_count,
    sum((from_price_usd+to_price_usd)/2) as amount_usd
    from May_swaps_usd
    group by 1,2
    order by 1
    ), swap_to as (
    'TO' as label,
    swap_to_name as name,
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