strawbettySwap Pairs on Jupiter
    Updated 2022-03-11
    with addresses as (
    select swap_from_mint as swap_from, swap_to_mint as swap_to, count(*) as count
    From solana.swaps
    Where block_timestamp::date >= '2022-02-01' and swap_program='jupiter aggregator v2' And succeeded = 'True' and swap_from_amount > 0
    Group by 1,2
    order by 3 DESC
    limit 10

    select l1.label as from_token, l2.label as to_token, concat(from_token, ' to ', to_token) as pair , a.count as count
    from addresses as a , solana.labels as l1, solana.labels as l2
    where a.swap_from=l1.address and a.swap_to = l2.address
    order by count desc
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