strawbettyALGO price from May
    Updated 2022-06-28
    with algo_price as (select block_hour::date as date, asset_id, asset_name, avg(price_usd) as algo_price
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.prices_swap
    where date>= '2022-04-01'
    and asset_id = 0
    group by 1),
    btc_price as (
    select hour::date as date,
    avg(price) as btc_price
    from flipside_prod_db.ethereum_core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where symbol = 'WBTC'
    and date >= '2022-04-01'
    group by 1

    from algo_price b join btc_price e on

    order by 1

    Run a query to Download Data