strawbettyDistribution of rewards payouts
    Updated 2022-04-19
    with gov2_rewards as (
    SELECT *
    FROM algorand.payment_transaction
    WHERE block_timestamp::date > '2022-03-30'
    AND try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) LIKE '%af/gov1:j{"rewardsPrd":2%'
    less_than_10 as (
    select 'less than 10',count(*)
    from gov2_rewards
    where amount < 10
    between_10_and_100 as (
    select 'between 10 and 100',count(*)
    from gov2_rewards
    where amount between 10 and 100
    between_100_and_500 as (
    select 'between 100 and 500',count(*)
    from gov2_rewards
    where amount between 100 and 500
    between_500_and_2000 as (
    select 'between 500 and 2000',count(*)
    from gov2_rewards
    where amount between 500 and 2000
    more_than_2000 as (
    select 'more than 2000',count(*)
    from gov2_rewards
    where amount > 2000
    select * from less_than_10
    union ALL
    select * from between_10_and_100
    union ALL
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