mariyaUST growth (Normal condition VS without Anchor)
    Updated 2022-05-08
    with anchor_deposit as (select
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    sum(deposit_amount) as deposit_anchor
    from anchor.deposits
    where block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - 90
    group by 1),

    ust as(SELECT
    date as day,
    sum(BALANCE) as total_ust
    from terra.daily_balances
    where CURRENCY='UST'
    and date > CURRENT_DATE - 90
    group by 1)

    select as day1,
    total_ust-deposit_anchor as UST_despite_anchor,
    sum(total_ust) over (order by day1) as "Total UST growth",
    sum(UST_despite_anchor) over (order by day1) as "Total UST growth-despite anchor"
    from anchor_deposit
    inner join ust on group by 1,total_ust,deposit_anchor