theericstonestETH Holders LQ Remix
    -- because stETH (LIDO's staked ETH sytnth) is a rebase token
    -- reading a balance is the only way to know what a given holder
    -- currently has

    -- until LQ, we would have to wait for daily refreshes of known holders
    -- and rely upon balance changes recorded when a holder transacted

    -- with LQ you can identify stETH holders via a flipside query
    -- and look up their current balances with a call to quicknode or alchemy

    -- start by finding stETH depositors or withdrawers in the last week

    -- the way LIDO works is you
    with deps as (

    withdrawals as (
    select * FROM
    ethereum.core.fact_transactions tx
    where tx.to_address = lower('0x889edC2eDab5f40e902b864aD4d7AdE8E412F9B1')

    (select array_agg(address) FROM allusers),
    '0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84' -- stETH

    table( (select array_agg(address) FROM allusers)
    Run a query to Download Data