theericstone🏊‍♂️ pool balances with livequery ⚡️
    Updated 2023-12-12
    -- find pools by token pairs
    with pools as (
    select *, tokens:token0::varchar as token0,
    tokens:token1::varchar as token1 FROM
    where (
    tokens:token0 = lower('{{token_0}}')
    and tokens:token1 = lower('{{token_1}}')
    ) or (
    tokens:token1 = lower('{{token_0}}')
    and tokens:token0 = lower('{{token_1}}')

    -- use livequery to pull live balance data for
    -- every pool's token0
    pool0 as (
    current_timestamp as time,
    wallet_address as pool_address,
    token_address as token0,
    symbol as symbol0,
    balance as balance0
    from table(
    (select array_agg(pool_address) from pools),
    (select array_agg(token0) from pools)
    ) where balance > 0

    -- now get the same thing for all token1s
    pool1 as (
    wallet_address as pool_address,
    token_address as token1,
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived