theericstoneunique new nfts copy
    Updated 2023-04-19
    -- forked from takamori / unique new nfts @

    select count(distinct case when last_date < {{start_date}}
    and block_timestamp > current_timestamp() - interval {{time_stretch}}
    and price < {{price_thresh}} then tokenid end) as new_nfts,
    count(distinct case when last_date < {{start_date}}
    and block_timestamp > current_timestamp() - interval {{time_stretch}}
    and price < {{price_thresh}} and event_type = 'bid_won' then tokenid end) as new_nfts,

    count(distinct case when last_date < current_timestamp()
    and block_timestamp > current_timestamp() - interval {{time_stretch}}
    and price < {{price_thresh}}
    then tokenid end) as all_nfts,

    sum(case when platform_name = 'blur' and event_type = 'bid_won'
    and block_timestamp > current_timestamp() - interval {{time_stretch}}
    and price <= {{price_thresh}}
    then 1 end) as bid_trades,
    sum(case when platform_name != 'xxblur'
    and block_timestamp > current_timestamp() - interval {{time_stretch}}
    then 1 end) as total_trades


    (select block_timestamp, buyer_address, price, tokenid, platform_name, event_type,
    lag(price,1) over (partition by concat(nft_address, tokenid) order by block_timestamp) as last,
    lag(block_timestamp,1) over (partition by concat(nft_address, tokenid) order by block_timestamp) as last_date,
    rank() over (partition by concat(nft_address, tokenid) order by block_timestamp) as rank,
    rank() over (partition by concat(nft_address, tokenid) order by block_timestamp desc) as rank_back

    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales


    lower(nft_address) = {{nft}}) as A
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