theericstoneComptroller Flows
    Updated 2021-10-23
    with all_depositors as (
    select DISTINCT
    supplier as address,
    'user' as dep_lab
    from compound.deposits
    where block_timestamp > '2020-08-01'

    top_claimers as (
    with claims as (
    SELECT tx_id from
    where function_name = 'claimComp'
    and to_address = '0x3d9819210a31b4961b30ef54be2aed79b9c9cd3b' -- comptroller
    and block_id > 13320900
    and success = TRUE

    all_claims as (
    sum(amount) as amount_claimed
    from ethereum.udm_events ude
    join claims on ude.tx_id = claims.tx_id
    where contract_address = '0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888' -- COMP
    and from_address = '0x3d9819210a31b4961b30ef54be2aed79b9c9cd3b' -- comptroller
    and amount > 0
    and block_id > 13320900
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc
    SELECT to_address as address,
    'top_claimer' as c_lab
    from all_claims where amount_claimed > 250
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