theericstoneAnchor Airdrop Claims by Address Last 6 Months
    Updated 2022-10-26
    case when msg_value:execute_msg:claim:amount / pow(10,6) < 1000 then 'small claimer'
    else msg_value:sender::string end as claimer,
    SUM(msg_value:execute_msg:claim:amount / pow(10,6)) as anc_claimed
    from terra.msgs
    where msg_value:execute_msg:claim IS NOT NULL and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED' and
    msg_value:contract = 'terra146ahqn6d3qgdvmj8cj96hh03dzmeedhsf0kxqm' -- ANC/Anchor
    and block_timestamp > current_date - 180
    group by 1;

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