theericstonelivequery test
    -- use this query to find 15 min interval historical
    -- dex-based pricing for any given token, provided its
    -- contract address and its most popular trading pool's address

    -- and then use LiveQuery to tack on the live implied price based on
    -- the pool's contract state

    -- start by calculating the number of swaps and the average price
    -- per 15 min increment using flipside's pre-formatted dex swaps table
    WITH hist_twap as (
    time_slice(block_timestamp, 15, 'MINUTE') as time,
    count(distinct(tx_hash)) as n_swaps,
    avg(price_per_weth) as twap_eth from (
    block_timestamp, tx_hash,
    case when token_out = lower('0xb2114e5420927932666a5c5bd1ac4e14d9ede32b') -- whatever trending coin
    then amount_in / amount_out
    else amount_out / amount_in end as price_per_weth
    ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps swaps
    where (
    swaps.token_in = lower('0xb2114e5420927932666a5c5bd1ac4e14d9ede32b') -- whatever trending coin
    or swaps.token_out = lower('0xb2114e5420927932666a5c5bd1ac4e14d9ede32b') -- whatever trending coin
    and block_timestamp > current_date - 2)
    group by 1

    -- next we use livequery to pull the current balances of WETH and the
    -- token of interest in order to calculate the current implied price
    with input_tokens AS (
    SELECT '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2' AS token_address --WETH
    SELECT '0xb2114E5420927932666A5C5Bd1ac4e14d9EDe32B' -- whatever trending coin
    Run a query to Download Data