Updated 2023-08-18

    -- vanilla transfer
    select * from solana.core.fact_events
    where tx_id = '5EpLBNfzYYY2tri6RAkvWwG4364hdfhwy3buYuJG4CGoABiuTo7WbcikLAia3RDre4XKXhJ2byf8pZSB4YpDba46'
    and block_timestamp > '2024-03-03'
    and block_timestamp < '2024-03-05';

    select * from solana.core.fact_events
    where tx_id = 'dSCt5cAbUdRybj8J2SiQsYKAuNurky5Bqu4tEP96zXVEfsZsVzH7PrPrdPbzk69TBpVbYXqt4ugyRR958tVkpi4'
    and block_timestamp > '2024-04-22'
    and block_timestamp < '2024-04-24';

    with total as (
    select count(1) total_txns from
    where block_timestamp > current_date - 30
    and tx_succeeded = TRUE
    complex as (
    select distinct(tx_id) as tx_id
    from sei.core.fact_msgs
    where block_timestamp > current_date - 30
    and msg_type ilike any ('execute','wasm')
    and tx_succeeded = TRUE
    labeled as (
    select address
    from sei.core.dim_labels
    select currency as address
    from sei.core.dim_tokens
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