Base User Ranking for Potential Airdrop ? (Based on Arbitrum Criteria)

    How many addresses will be eligible if there is an airdrop from Base Network (based on Arbitrum Criteria) ?

    Airdrop Base Checker Dashboard based on Criteria of Arbitrum:

    • Bridged funds into Base
    • Conducted transactions during two distinct months
    • Conducted transactions during six distinct months
    • Conducted transactions during nine months
    • Conducted more than four transactions or interacted with more than four different smart contracts
    • Conducted more than ten transactions or interacted with more than ten different smart contracts
    • Conducted more than 25 transactions or interacted with more than 25 different smart contracts
    • Conducted more than 100 transactions or interacted with more than 100 different smart contracts
    • Conducted transactions exceeding in the aggregate $10,000 in value
    • Conducted transactions exceeding in the aggregate $50,000 in value
    • Conducted transactions exceeding in the aggregate $250,000 in value
    • Bridged more than $10,000 of assets into Base
    • Bridged more than $50,000 of assets into Base
    • Bridged more than $250,000 of assets into Base

    This dashboard using Arbitrum Criteria to rank user based on their on-chain action on Base Network if Base has airdrop.

    Please do not consider this as an official criteria for airdrop.

    If you have any feedback, please contact us via X: @TKVResearch.