Open Analytics Bounty: ETH (November 13)
Introduction & Approach
- The 1inch Liquidity Protocol is a next-generation automated market maker (AMM) that protects users from front-running attacks and offers capital efficiency to liquidity providers while ensuring traders can buy and sell ERC-20 tokens without being overly affected by slippage.
- 0x is important infrastructure for the emerging crypto economy and enables markets to be created that couldn't have existed before. As more assets become tokenized, public blockchains provide the opportunity to establish a new financial stack that is more efficient, transparent, and equitable than any system in the past.
- In this dashboard I have looked into 1inch and 0X DEXs on Ethereum to see and measure their activity on 5 fields which are: 1-==Transactions== 2-==Volume== 3-==Users== 4-==Fee volume== 5-==Gas==. for doing this I have observed them on lager scale time frames of monthly and yearly to have an over all and total view over their performances.

On this section number of transactions executed through 1inch and 0X on monthly and yearly basis is shown
On this section volume of transactions executed through 1inch and 0X on monthly and yearly basis is shown
On this section number of unique users executed through 1inch and 0X on monthly and yearly basis is shown
On this section gas volume of 1inch and 0X on monthly and yearly basis is shown
On this section fee volume of 1inch and 0X on monthly and yearly basis is shown
- Monthly chart
- As we see on monthly chart, number of transactions of both dexs has been increasing over months since September of 2019. this growth spiked since December 2022 in which number of transactions of 1inch got 4 times of it’s previous month and number of transactions of 0X got 2 times of it’s previous month. we see several spikes that occurred on both dexs on same months such as February 2021, November 2021 or August 2022 in which highest of them occurred on February 2021 for 1inch with 294K transactions and on November 2021 for 0X with 255.4K transactions.
- Yearly chart
- On yearly chart we can see that both dexs has increasing trend towards 2021 and decreased on 2022, and maxed out their number of transactions on 2021 with 2.8M transactions for 1inch out of it’s total 5.8M transactions and 1.86M transactions out of it’s total 4.7M transactions for 0X.
- Monthly chart
- As we see on monthly chart, volume of transactions of both dexs has been increasing over months since September of 2019. we see sveral spikes that occurred on both dexs on same months such as January 2021, May 2021 or January 2022 in which highest of them occurred on January 2021 for 1inch with 2.4M $ETH and on January 2022 for 0X with 450K $ETH.
- Yearly chart
- On yearly chart we can see that both dexs has increasing trend towards 2021 and decreased on 2022, and maxed out their number of transactions on 2021 with 11.6M $ETH for 1inch out of it’s total 22.6M $ETH and 3M $ETH out of it’s total 5.7M $ETH for 0X.
- Monthly chart
- As we see on monthly chart, number of users of both dexs has been increasing over months since September of 2019. this growth spiked since December 2022 in which number of users of 1inch got 4.8 times of it’s previous month and number of users of 0X got 2.6 times of it’s previous month. we see several spikes that occurred on both dexs on same months such as February 2021, November 2021 or August 2022 in which highest of them occurred on February 2021 for 1inch with 83K users and on November 2021 for 0X with 114K users.
- Yearly chart
- On yearly chart we can see that both dexs has increasing trend towards 2021 and decreased on 2022, and maxed out their number of users on 2021 with 487K users for 1inch out of it’s total 900K users and 543K users out of it’s total 1.2M users for 0X.
- Monthly chart
- As we see on monthly chart, gas volume of transactions of both dexs has been increasing over months since September of 2019. we see several spikes that occurred on both dexs on same months such as November 2021 or August 2022 in which highest of them occurred on August 2020 for 1inch with 77 and on November 2022 for 0X with 47.
- Yearly chart
- On yearly chart we can see that both dexs has increasing trend towards 2021 and decreased on 2022, and maxed out their gas volume of transactions on 2021 with 643 for 1inch out of it’s total 1,460 and 292 out of it’s total 655 for 0X.
- Monthly chart
- As we see on monthly chart, fee volume of transactions of both dexs has been increasing over months since September of 2019. we see several spikes that occurred on both dexs on same months such as February 2021 or November 2021 in which highest of them occurred on February 2021 for 1inch with 11.7K $ETH and on November 2022 for 0X with 7K $ETH.
- Yearly chart
- On yearly chart we can see that both dexs has increasing trend towards 2021 and decreased on 2022, and maxed out their fee volume of transactions on 2021 with 106K $ETH for 1inch out of it’s total 1,460 $ETH and 29K $ETH out of it’s total 45.5K $ETH for 0X.
As we saw on observed charts, 5 sections of both dexs has similar trends in which they increased since 2019 and maxed out on 2021, and for these 5 sections in comparison of two dexs, 1inch is dominant dex over at least 4 out of 5 sections except in number of users that we see 0X has higher values at some points than 1inch, so we can say that over all performance of 1inch proceeds 0X.