whitehandDEX Ranking On Different Layer 2s
    Updated 2023-11-22
    select platform
    , min(block_timestamp) as first_trx_ts
    , count(distinct tx_hash) as trx_cnt
    , count(distinct ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS) as sender_cnt
    -- Other fields like tx_to, origin_to_address or sender are mostly routers
    , count(distinct contract_address) as pool_cnt
    , sum(amount_in_usd) as volume_usd_in
    , sum(amount_out_usd) as volume_usd_out
    -- token_in and token_out are contract address, we use symbol_in and symbol_out here
    , count(distinct symbol_in) as token_in_count
    , count(distinct symbol_out) as token_out_count
    from {{ chain_name }}.defi.ez_dex_swaps
    group by platform
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