zakkisyedSUSHI: Weekly Transaction fee over the past year
    Updated 2021-11-21
    with sushi as (
    select *
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where --block_timestamp::date >= getdate() - interval '1 year' and
    platform = 'sushiswap'
    , txn_fees as (
    select *
    from ethereum.transactions
    where block_timestamp::date >= getdate() - interval '1 year' and
    success = TRUE
    date_trunc('week',y.block_timestamp)::Date as Week, sum(y.fee_usd) as transaction_fees
    from sushi as x, txn_fees as y
    where x.tx_id = y.tx_id
    and y.block_timestamp::date >= getdate() - interval '1 year'
    group by 1
    order by 1