zakkisyedUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-03-30
    with rawfees as (
    block_timestamp::date as metric_date,
    case when chain_id = 'columbus-5' then UPPER(SUBSTRING(fee[0]:amount[0]:denom::string, 2, 2))
    else UPPER(SUBSTRING(fee[0]:denom::string, 2, 2)) end as fee_denom,
    sum(case when chain_id = 'columbus-5' then fee[0]:amount[0]:amount
    else fee[0]:amount end)/POW(10,6) as amount,
    avg(case when chain_id = 'columbus-5' then fee[0]:amount[0]:amount
    else fee[0]:amount end)/POW(10,6) as avg_amount
    FROM terra.transactions
    WHERE fee_denom IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY metric_date, fee_denom
    ORDER BY 1,2

    prices as (
    block_timestamp::date as metric_date,
    SUBSTRING(symbol,1,2) as fee_denom,
    avg(price_usd) as price
    from terra.oracle_prices
    where symbol in ('UST', 'SDT', 'AUT', 'CAT', 'EUT', 'JPT', 'KRT', 'LUNA', 'MNT')
    group by 1, 2, 3

    r.metric_date as BLOCK_DATE,
    sum(amount * price) as amount,
    sum(avg_amount * price) as avg_amount
    from rawfees r join prices p
    on r.metric_date = p.metric_date
    and r.fee_denom = p.fee_denom
    group by 1
    order by 1 desc, 2
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