zakkisyedUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-01-11

    /* checking for addliquidity function in other tables
    select *
    from ethereum.transactions

    where to_label = 'sushiswap'
    or from_label = 'sushiswap'

    and function_name = 'addLiquidity'
    limit 100

    select T1.POOL_NAME, sum(T1.usd_amt_in - T2.usd_amt_out)

    select pool_name, sum(amount_usd) as usd_amt_in

    from ethereum.dex_swaps

    where platform = 'sushiswap'
    and direction = 'IN'
    and amount_usd != 0

    group by 1

    ) as T1

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