Untitled BoardMINMO
Sep 14, 2022 - How have miners reacted to the fast-approaching merge? Have they stopped mining in recent weeks? Show evidence of miners either stopping work or continuing to mine.
Bridge Users (Hop Protocol)
Jun 18, 2022 - How many unique users have bridged to L2s using Hop? What days in the past 6 months have seen the most volume bridged, and were there any specific events that may have driven these spikes? Which assets have been bridged the most? Show an analysis of the asset distribution of bridging through Hop.
The Octorand Universe
May 23, 2022 - Q81. Octorand is a virtual world of opportunity built on top of the Algorand blockchain. Octo Primes are the only form of life existing in the world of Octorand. You can collect these Octo Primes, transform them to increase their value and trade them through the inbuilt marketplace. Show the number of Octo Primes Gen1 and Octo Primes Gen2 each wallet holds. -How many unique holders are there for Gen1 and Gen2? How many Gen2 holders hold an Oct Prime Gen1? Show Octo Primes Gen1 and Octo Primes Gen2 sales and ALGO volume over time. Note any other insights you find about the Octo Prime sales or holders! Tips:
Swap Token Pairs on Polygon (Sushiswap Bounty)
Jun 15, 2022 - Create a document that includes all addresses for all Swap pairs on polygon for sushi, plus the addresses of the two tokens belonging to each pair. If you are using sources from sushi github, please include the link.
Untitled BoardEMIS
Sep 30, 2022 - Swap/economics: How much swap volume does THORChain need to offset emissions? (maybe a tool?) E.g if we 10x swap volume, the current block emissions can be offset by the additional fees generated from the swaps.