NEAR City Layout
Nov 9, 2022 - How centralized or decentralized is NEAR, really? Choose at least two distinct measures of decentralization that can be explored with on-chain data; clearly define those metrics; and outline how NEAR performs based on those metrics. In your view, is NEAR becoming more centralized or decentralized over time? You are welcome to draw on any past submissions in your work, but ensure you credit and link to the original creator (bonus points if you shout them out on Twitter). Grand Prize submissions will also explore these metrics for at least one other blockchain.
Wallet Balances & Ecosystem Growth
Oct 25, 2022 - How has the ratio of liquid to staked OSMO changed overtime? Are the top 100 OSMO holders the same now as they were at the start of the year? What is the current average OSMO per wallet? How has that value changed over time? Plot average OSMO/wallet against user growth. Do wallets normally hold a majority of OSMO, or another token? How has this changed over time?
Daily Active User
Oct 18, 2022 - What does a Daily Active User look like on Osmosis? First, plot out how many DAUs there are on Osmosis. For this exercise, consider a DAU would be any wallet transacting on Osmosis a majority of days every week.
DEX Change
Nov 16, 2022 - This week has highlighted the need for transparency & decentralization in crypto markets. Let's see how users have reacted to this wild week in Web3. Have behaviors changed? Analyze growth in Osmosis Volumes & User Count this week. Has more money flowed into Osmosis this week compared to the past few weeks/months? Where is this money coming from? Centralized Exchanges? Have wallets moved more into stables?