HODLers vs LPers vs Stakers
Jul 13, 2022 - Q21. How are users in incentivized pools behaving vs. non-LP OSMO token holders? What about versus stakers? Create an analysis that shows activity for the various types of OSMO holders and chart out some additional activities they’re undertaking. Are users LPing or staking more likely to increase their amount staked? What group is receiving the most IBC transfers into Osmosis?
The Unstakeeeeers
Jul 20, 2022 - How frequently do users on Osmosis unstake their Osmosis? What do they do with the OSMO once unstaked? Do they re-delegate, enter a LP position, or swap into another token? Do they re-delegate to certain validators more frequently than others? Why might this be so?
Swap Fees
Jun 27, 2022 - Q21. Do fees on Osmosis differ when users swap to or from different tokens? On average, which tokens have the highest and lowest swap fees on Osmosis?
Do Whales Have Diamond Hands?
Jun 19, 2022 - Q12. Does the swap behavior of OSMO whales differ from everyday users? How does it differ? Create visuals showing what whales swap to and from compared to a normal Osmosis user.
Stablecoin Dominance
Jun 29, 2022 - Q20. Compare the transaction volume for USDC, USDT, and DAI on Osmosis. Is there a stable coin that Osmosis users prefer? Extra credit: Is stablecoin dominance the same on Osmosis as it is on Sushiswap and Thorchain? Why might this be or not be the case?
Assets Removed from Osmosis
Jun 10, 2022 - What was the total dollar amount of assets that was improperly removed from pools due to the bug, and what is the list of addresses that had joined a pool since the upgrade? What is the dollar value deposited of those addresses joining pools? What is the cumulative value of funds that joined and exited?
Bug Exploiters
Jun 9, 2022 - What is the list of addresses that were explicitly exploiting the bug by doing multiple join/exits, i.e. who were the attackers? What was the total dollar amount that was taken by the attackers? What amount of stolen assets in the attackers’ wallets remain on Osmosis?
Privacy Coins + Politics
Jun 11, 2022 - Q10. Do major news events result in more people swapping to SCRT? :Look at the volume of swaps to SCRT over the past three months. Do periods of high volume swaps into SCRT line up with major international news events? Or is there a pattern in SCRT swap volume?