Sina11 | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Dec 10, 2021
    Delegate LUNA in flipside
    Terra hunt
    My LUNA Delegation in Context
    Volume of ALGO sent from CEXs
    Provide LP in orca
    Untitled Query
    Swapping from UST to KUJI
    How many unique wallets have staked SOL on Marinade in the month of March
    How much mSOL has been deposited into the single-side MNDE pool in the month of March
    Acquiring SOL
    Untitled Query
    Short position
    Staking SNX
    Stake SOL to get mSOL
    Swap UST to ASTRO
    Staking KUJI
    Depositing RUNE into the UST pools
    Using daoSOL on Saber (farm)
    Using daoSOL on Saber (pool)
    asset balances
    swapping yLUNA for PRISM
    Deposit the mSOL in Friktion’s mSOL Covered Call Volt
    Terra money
    Deposit UST in Anchor’s Earn pool
    Acquiring DPX
    Volume of ALGO sent to CEXs
    My LUNA Delegation in Context
    Swapping from UST to KUJI
    providing UST into the MARS-UST Pool
    Staking KUJI
    trading UST to SPEC
    Bridging To Solana
    providing liquidity using pLUNA and PRISM
    Stake SOL via Marinade to get mSOL
    Stake Yieldly
    refracting LUNA into yLUNA and pLUNA
    My Algorand YLDLY Staking in Context
    Buying mDot from mirror