anomone | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Dec 20, 2021
    Arbitrage - Find the tokens for which arbitrage trading works
    FD - compare deposits to find common features
    Rune to Doge Swap volume
    balloon - Validation
    VISR price by day
    What other activities are these top 20 wallets doing in the month of February
    staking contract transactions - working but useless
    ETH Vault - TVL
    Swap success rate
    Solana Swaps - Orca vs Jupiter %
    test for visr vs gamma
    Unique users in Dogecoin Liquidity Pool per day
    test vvisr deposit
    Just btc TVL
    Terra: Count of staked luna wallets in each range
    Uniswap vs Sushiswap TVL
    ETH and USDC - case when query
    Top 5 in Orca vs Jupiter
    Ribbon - erc20 combined ETH and WBTC
    Anchor query
    Total Voters
    tVISR - TOkemak staking address
    Unique addresses that hold vVISR token
    vVISr staked amount daily
    test distinct symbol
    Check Uni V3 TVL
    Sushi max prices per day
    Bankless - Pie chart of whales vs members
    LUNA price
    STEPN - Sum up for one txn
    Balloonsville - Txn per day
    FWB - new token price
    Epoch split
    Largest Deposit SOL
    Change in average time over time
    the total volume of $DRGNZ traded
    SABER locked per epoch
    Number of transactions per block overtime
    Union of DOGE swaps and Other swaps