Active Wallet Addresses

    Q105. We are interested in knowing how many users are currently in the ecosystem. In this case, how many are holding $RUNE in their wallet or have an open LP position. What is this number currently, and how has it trended over time? Hint: use thorchain.liquidity_actions and thorchain.transfers



    The following metrics will be analysed in this report:

    1. Total unique users currently in the ecosystem
    2. Distribution of total Rune holdings by address
    3. Monthly active wallets in the ecosystem
    4. Monthly volume of $RUNE transferred

    Thorchain currently has 24,858 unique users in the ecosystem that are active.

    1. The distribution of total Rune in wallet or have an open LP position are depicted is the chart graph above.
    2. With 14,206 users, most of the active users have 1 to 5 Runes in wallet or have an open LP position.
    3. Approximately one forth of all the active users have 5 to 500 Runes and just 1,108 active users have more than 5,000 Runes.
    1. On a monthly basis, the active users in the ecosystem has been healthily growing.
    2. This is incredibly encouraging since more active users indicates we are getting closer to mass adoption.
    3. Additionally, more active users will contribute more liquidity to the ecosystem, making it even stronger.

    Key Findings

    1. On a monthly basis, the active users in the ecosystem has been healthily growing.
    2. Thorchain currently has 24,858 unique users in the ecosystem that are active.
    3. With 14,206 users, most of the active users have 1 to 5 Runes in wallet or have an open LP position.
    4. When there are more active users in the ecosystem, the volume of $RUNE transferred will increase and vice versa.
    1. From the monthly $RUNE volume chart, the volume of $RUNE transferred had been steadily increasing month after month.
    2. $RUNE transfer volume reached an all time high on the month of April with over $1 billion $RUNE transferred.
    3. This implies the quantity of active users and monthly $RUNE transfer volume have a positive correlation. When there are more active users in the ecosystem, the volume of $RUNE transferred will increase and vice versa.