Tracking USDC & USDT on Solana
Jun 16, 2022 - Q2. What's the current market share for USDC and USDT on Solana relative to other stablecoins in the ecosystem (look into USDC, USDT, UXD, USDH, PAI, NIRV, UST, DAI, FRAX)? Create a visualization showing the amount of transaction volume for USDC vs. USDT etc. do display popularity within Solana. For USDC and USDT specifically, breakdown the transaction activity by contract and exchange flows (i.e. which dapps and addresses hold the majority of USDC and USDT and what do cumulative flows to and from exchanges look like over time)?
The Bridge from Ethereum to Solana
Jun 16, 2022 - Q1. Create a visualization of the volume of assets being bridged from Ethereum to Solana over time via Wormhole. What does the average profile / size of wallets bridging to Solana from Ethereum look like (what is the average value of assets being bridged over)? What have been the most popular bridged assets from Ethereum to Solana and has that changed over time?
Open Analytics Bounty: Avalanche
Aug 4, 2022 - Flipside Crypto has built pathways and provides the tooling for you to develop deep and thorough crypto analysis. Now, we want to see what you can do with them. Submit any dashboard you think is worthy of being shared with our partners, and with the world. We’ll select the best for payment and amplification through our social and content channels. (Please note that many dashboards submitted to this bounty will not be rewarded with payment — only the best of the best will do here.) As you dive in and work through your analyses, we would love to see what insights you find and dashboards you develop. Feel free to submit your work via this bounty card for internal review. Elite tier work will be shared out on our social channels and to partners highlighting the analyst. Be sure to use the Avalanche tables, which can be found under the "Avalanche"
AAVE and stAAVE movements
Aug 11, 2022 - Daily AAVE supplied and withdrawn on Aave protocol. Daily AAVE staked and unstaked.
Friktion's Crab Strategy
Apr 24, 2022 - Friktion recently launched a new product offering, Volt #03 - a volatility yield strategy for stablecoins in crab markets. For more information. reference this twitter thread And Friktion's helpful medium article: And a link to the Volt: Track the deposit activity into the Crab Volt. How many unique wallets have used the strategy since April 11th? What other Friktion Volts have these wallets used since March 1st? What is the crossover between the Volt #1 Bitcoin strategy and the Crab Volt? Why would a wallet prefer to use this Crab Volt instead of the other products?
$RUNE Distribution
Apr 22, 2022 - Calculate the distribution of $RUNE holdings by address. Include RUNE that is in liquidity pools. (e.g. if I have 100 $RUNE in my wallet and LP 50, I should still be considered to be holding 100). In terms of charts, feel free to create a histogram or whichever visual you think works best! Hint: use thorchain.transfers and thorchain.liquidity_actions
Solport vs. Magic Eden
Apr 3, 2022 - Q48. Solport - a NFT marketplace on Solana - launched a V2 on March 12th that includes various new features for marketplaces. Beginning on March 12th, compare the NFT sales volume on Solport to Magic Eden's sales volume. How many unique wallets have used Solport over that timeframe compared to Magic Eden? Solport is strongly connected to the NFT collection 'Taiyo Robotics', which incentivizes holders to increase Solport's adoption. Compare Taiyo Robotics sales on each marketplace. Do sellers care more about growing their own marketplace or capitalizing on the access to liquidity? Hint: Use solana.fact_nft_sales and solana.dim_nft_metadata Hint: ME V2 programId: M2mx93ekt1fmXSVkTrUL9xVFHkmME8HTUi5Cyc5aF7K Hint Solport programId: SPf5WqNywtPrRXSU5enq5z9bPPhREaSYf2LhN5fUxcj
Folks Finance: Minting gALGO3 For Governance
Apr 18, 2022 - Q53. Folks Finance is a newly launched lending and borrowing protocol built on Algorand. They offer a unique liquid Algorand governance opportunity which allows you to still utilize your ALGOs in in the form of gALGO3 a token you mint when you deposit your ALGOs into their governance pool. An important note is ALGO and gALGO3 are one to one in terms of value. This allows you to still use the value of your ALGOs in the form of gALGO3 and earn governance rewards since your ALGOs will be placed in governance via their protocol and the staking pool. Click here to learn more:
RUNE bonded + slashed amounts
Jun 13, 2022 - How much RUNE is bonded, how much RUNE has been slashed from those bonds (total and or over time)?
Swapping goBTC and goETH on DEXs
May 18, 2022 - goETH and goBTC are wrapped forms of ETH and BTC minted by algoMint. Let's look at goBTC and goETH swaps across the DEXs since the beginning of April and get a better understanding of how wallets are swapping goETH and goBTC - especially during the price crash in May.
Yesterday was… Well let’s not talk about yesterday, let’s analyze it.
May 11, 2022 - You’re looking to rebuild your bags and we’re looking for some analysis, but we want to know what you want to know about yesterday. Make a dashboard on any topic that strikes your curiosity, tweet it, mention @flipsidecrypto, and we’ll put 20 LUNA in your bag.
Hop Whales
Jun 22, 2022 - Q3. Are whales choosing Hop to go to L2s? Or are they choosing the native bridges? Compare Hop vs the native bridges for Polygon, Optimism, and Arbitrum over the following metrics: unique users on each, frequency of use, and the average amount of assets moved on each?
THORChain and $vTHOR Overlap
May 22, 2022 - Q96. Since vTHOR and THOR Staking 2.0 was released in May, we’re interested in finding out more about how the community has embraced the staking rewards. What % of $THOR staking wallets also are currently LP-ing on THORChain?
How does BTC funding affect rates?
Aug 12, 2022 - Supply and lending rates for at least five tokens in Aave V2, and total amount of Wrapped BTC supplied over time. Measure the correlation between USDC borrow rates and total wBTC supplied.
LUNA Staking and Trends
May 8, 2022 - Over the past 30/60/90 days and the past year, how much LUNA has been staked per day? What is the staking percentage (LUNA staked/Circulating Supply), and how has it changed over time?
Rand Gallery NFT Sales
May 4, 2022 - Rand Gallery is one of the largest NFT marketplaces on Algorand. Let’s take a deeper look into rand gallery’s history and the performance of the marketplace. 1) Show Daily NFT sale volume in # of sales, ALGOs, and USD over time. 2) Show how much Rand Gallery has earned in fees daily and accumulated over time. 3) How many NFTs have been sold through Rand Gallery and what is the total -volume in ALGOs of NFT sales. 3) What was the biggest NFT sale in both ALGOs and USD. What was the NFT?
Node Operator vs Liquidity Provider Yield
May 8, 2022 - What is the aggregate weekly APY for active node operators vs liquidity providers? How has it looked over time? It would be good to show node provider APY showing 2 different ways: including all nodes and just including active nodes. Hint: use thorchain.block_rewards to get the rewards, thorchain.pool_block_balances to the the LP amounts, and thorchain.bond_events + thorchain.update_node_account_status for the nodes
The Red Planet
Apr 3, 2022 - Q174. Define and assess two key metrics for the performance of Mars Protocol since launch. How is Mars doing, according to these metrics? Some example key metrics include: 1) Number of depositors and borrowers 2) Net LUNA and UST deposited and borrowed 3) Leverage farming strategies
Active Wallet Addresses
Jun 20, 2022 - Q105. We are interested in knowing how many users are currently in the ecosystem. In this case, how many are holding $RUNE in their wallet or have an open LP position. What is this number currently, and how has it trended over time? Hint: use thorchain.liquidity_actions and thorchain.transfers
Al Goannas
May 26, 2022 - Q80. Al Goanna is Algorand’s premier bluechip NFT with a collection of 489 original NFTs. Let’s take a look at the collection.
USDC Deposits
Jun 21, 2022 - Q1. In the last month, how much USDC did users deposit into PoolTogether (Ethereum)? What’s the average deposit amount per user?
USDC Transfer Volumes
Apr 15, 2022 - Q51. Compare USDC transfer volumes on Algorand, Solana, Ethereum in 2022.
Crazy Goose Flock and $CRUMB Token
Jun 9, 2022 - Q97. Crazy Goose Flock is one of the strongest growing NFT communities on Algorand. Let’s look at the holders of the CGF! Chart the holder breakdown of the CGF NFTs. How many holders hold more than one CGF NFT? Who holds the most CGF? Show the wallet balance distribution of CGF holders. Are there any whales holding a CGF? Also chart the wallet creation date for crazy goose flock holders. Are the wallets who hold CGF newer or older? The Crazy Goose Flock are also airdropping their community utility token to CGF holders. Show these airdrop transactions. Who are the biggest $CRUMB holders?
HODLers vs LPers vs Stakers
Jul 12, 2022 - Q21. How are users in incentivized pools behaving vs. non-LP OSMO token holders? What about versus stakers? Create an analysis that shows activity for the various types of OSMO holders and chart out some additional activities they’re undertaking. Are users LPing or staking more likely to increase their amount staked? What group is receiving the most IBC transfers into Osmosis?
Solana Free Square
Jun 15, 2022 - Q86. This week we want to try something new. We want you to essentially write your own bounty question and answer it yourself. Pick any topic around Solana that you find relevant and interesting and analyze it.
Onboarding with Solana NFTs
Jun 15, 2022 - Q85. It has been said that Solana NFTs have become a powerful onboarding tool into the Solana ecosystem. Is this narrative true? Which NFTs have captured the most first time users of the Solana blockchain? What kinds of activities do these wallets tend to do after buying their first NFT? Do you think the NFT growth on Solana will spill over into Defi?
Deposit rate from L1s
Jun 12, 2022 - Q105. Look at users swapping from native L1 assets to $RUNE. Are there any trends by chain or over time? Careful, you'll have to exclude rows where they swap from one asset to another via $RUNE
Orca + Jupiter Volumes
Mar 12, 2022 - Question 35: Compare the 5 most popular swaps SOL -> coin swaps (SOL swapped for another coin) on Orca and on Jupiter since January 1st. Create a visualization showing the total volume per day on Orca and Jupiter since January 1st for SOL to another coin swaps. What has been the historical swap success rate since January 1st on Orca and on Jupiter?
Foundation Mint and Sales
Apr 21, 2022 - Q3. Foundation is an NFT platform that allows creators to mint their work as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Foundation also offers an NFT exchange allowing creators to sell their work. For more details, please see
Most Popular ASA To Swap From ALGOs
Apr 14, 2022 - Q50. Let’s look at what ASAs(Algorand Standard Assets) are most popular to swap into from ALGOs in 2022 using the swaps table Create a bar chart visualization of the top 10 ASAs by total ALGO swap volume. (Tip: This means we want to look at swaps where the wallet is sending in ALGOs(asset ID: 0) and receiving another asset in return. The volume would in ALGOs would be the sum of all the ALGOs wallets sent in to receiver the asset). Create a table for the top 10 ASAs found in part 1. In this table, list the ALGO swap volume and the average amount of ALGOs involved in a swap. Create a time series chart to look at the number of swaps (from ALGOs) to each of these 10 ASAs over time by day since the beginning of 2022. Note any trends on the increasing or decreasing popularity of any of the ASAs.
Gard.Money Algorand’s First Algorithmic Stablecoin
Apr 18, 2022 - GARD is the world's first algorithmic stablecoin on Algorand's blockchain. Let’s look at the collateral debt positions(CDP) users are taking on. This is where users put ALGOs up as collateral and in turn get GARD(Asset ID 684649988) in return. Gard is a stable coin pegged to $1 in value. Chart how much GARD has been minted by day Chart how many wallets mint GARD each day. -How much has Gard.Money generated in ALGO fees? Show the fees accumulation over time. -What is the total amount of ALGO collateral currently backing the GARD?
Tinyman Dex Popularity
Mar 24, 2022 - Q36. Tinyman was Algorand’s first DEX(decentralized exchange) and in 2022 we’ve seen the launch of three other DEXes: pactFi, algoFi, and Wagmiswap. Let’s look at the launch of these other DEXes and see how they have impacted the number of swaps on Tinyman. 1. Chart the number of swaps by day for each DEX in 2022. 2. Note when the swaps started for each PactFi, AlgoFi, and Wagmiswap and describe whether we see a change in the number of swaps on TInyman after the launch of the other DEXs.
Friktion Bitcoin Volt
Mar 19, 2022 - Q41. Friktion is a new DeFi portfolio management project that helps users maximize profits by generating yield. The Friktion BTC Covered Call Volt is one such yield opportunity for interested participants who want to generate income while holding BTC.
Algorand Price Correlation
Jun 29, 2022 - Q109. Is the price of Algorand more closely correlated with the crypto market, and assets such as BTC or ETH, or is it more correlated with network usage such as number of transactions or ALGO transfers?
ASA Asset Transfers
Apr 7, 2022 - Q41. What have been the most popular assets to transfer since the beginning of February 2022 by the number of asset transfers and number of users who have transferred that asset? What announcements could have lead to these assets being popular? Create a table using the asset_transfer_transaction table that show the top 10 assets by number of transfers since February 2022. Chart these transfers over time by day as well. Create a table using the asset_transfer_transaction table that show the top 10 assets by number of wallets that initiated a transfer since February 2022. What announcements and events could have led to the popularity of some of these assets? LP Pool Actions
Apr 30, 2022 - Let’s look at mint and burns for the Pact.Fi pools to see what pools users are most interested to stake their assets in. 1) Show us total mints and burns by day across all pools. 2) What are the most popular pools wallets are minting LP for? 3) Do we see an increase in mints in the ALGO/GOMint, ALGO/GoBTC, and ALGO/GoETH pools from the AlgoMint incentive? 4) Folks Finance is offering incentive in the ALGO/GoETH starting on April 8th, do we see an increase in mints in this pool from the incentive? 5) Are there any notable days of for an increase of mints? What pool is causing that increase if there is and is there an event tied to the increase?