Node Operator vs Liquidity Provider Yield

    What is the aggregate weekly APY for active node operators vs liquidity providers? How has it looked over time? It would be good to show node provider APY showing 2 different ways: including all nodes and just including active nodes. Hint: use thorchain.block_rewards to get the rewards, thorchain.pool_block_balances to the the LP amounts, and thorchain.bond_events + thorchain.update_node_account_status for the nodes


    Estimated rewards payout: Node Operators receive 45%, Liquidity Providers receive 55% of the rewards.

    • The graph above shows the Liquidity Providers & Node Operators APY by week.
    • The APY for liquidity providers is substantially greater than that of Node Operators, as shown in the graph.
    • The APY for liquidity providers peaked at 31.22% in the week of January 10th, while the APY for node operators has remained below 7% since the beginning of 2022.


    The following topic of Node Operator vs Liquidity Provider Yield will be analysed in this report:

    1. Liquidity Providers & Node Operators APY by week.
    2. The total amount of bonded RUNE and the total value locked on Thorchain.
    • The graph above shows the total amount of bonded RUNE and the total value locked on Thorchain.
    • As can be observed, both have been steadily increasing in the year 2022.
    • Thorchain's total value locked reached $514.25 million during the week of 28th March. It has been declining since then.
    • On the other side, the total bonded RUNE has been constantly rising, reaching $568 million as of May 9th.

    Key Findings

    • The APY for Liquidity Providers is significantly higher than Node Operators.
    • The APY for liquidity providers reached 31.22% in the week of January 10th, while the APY for node operators has been below 7% since the start of 2022.
    • Thorchain's total value locked peaked at $514.25 million on March 28th, but has since dropped.