Orca + Jupiter Volumes

    Question 35: Compare the 5 most popular swaps SOL -> coin swaps (SOL swapped for another coin) on Orca and on Jupiter since January 1st. Create a visualization showing the total volume per day on Orca and Jupiter since January 1st for SOL to another coin swaps. What has been the historical swap success rate since January 1st on Orca and on Jupiter?



    In this dashboard, we will compare the Solana 2 swap programs Jupiter and Orca. After reading the dashboard, you will be able to understand: 1) the 5 most popular tokens for which SOL has swapped on Jupiter and Orca. 2) Total daily volume on Jupiter and Orca for SOL to other coin swaps since January 1st. 3) The historical swap success rate on Orca and Jupiter since January 1st.

    As seen in the graphs above, USDC has been the most popular token that SOL have swapped for other tokens on Jupiter and Orca since January 1st, with 358k swaps on Jupiter and 135k swaps on Orca. USDT came second for both swap programs, with just 37k swaps on Jupiter and 52k swaps on Orca, drastically lower than USDC.

    As shown in the total volume graph above, since January 1st, the volume on Jupiter for SOL to other coin swaps has been higher than the volume on Orca on most days. There is just one day where Orca's volume exceeds Jupiter's, which is February 2nd, with 146k SOL swapped on Jupiter and 175k SOL swapped on Orca. This is also Orca's largest single-day volume since January 1st.

    The figure above illustrates the historical success rate of swaps on Jupiter and Orca since January 1st. Surprisingly, Jupiter has a swap success percentage of just 8.5%, however Orca has a swap success rate of 44.26%. Swaps on Orca have a 5 times greater chance of success than swaps on Jupiter.


    1. USDC has been the most popular token that SOL have swapped for other tokens on Jupiter and Orca since January 1st.
    2. The volume on Jupiter for SOL to other coin swaps has been higher than the volume on Orca on most days.
    3. Swaps on Orca have a 5 times higher success rate than swaps on Jupiter.